Snag Evergreen Essence Powerhouse Blend.

Warm up your holiday season with the limited time Evergreen Essence essential oil blend! This seasonal favorite is the perfect way to bring the essence of the holiday into your home. Snag yours as the perfect gift for everyone on your list—while supplies last! Simply add this beloved blend to your Loyalty Order today! 

Evergreen Essence essential oil blend, 15 m

Evergreen Essence essential oil blend is formulated with various conifer oils, including Pine, White Fir, Spruce, Black Pine, Idaho Blue Spruce, Lodgepole Pine, Scotch Pine, and Pinyon Pine. This blend feels like walking through a  snow-draped forest!! Tree oils are calming and grounding and help us connect to feelings of strength and protection, which is perfect as we head into the holiday season.

* Diffuse this favorite on its own or with Tangerine, Cinnamon Bark or Lavender.

* Drop onto porous holiday decor to create a passive diffuser.

* Mix with filtered water and a splash of witch hazel to create a festive room spray! You can also keep fresh greenery looking spiffy by spraying it with this same combination.

* Relax and recharge with an epsom salt bath! For every 1 cup of salts, add 10 drops of Evergreen Essence. Feeling run-down? Add ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup Himalayan salt and a little extra essential oil!

* Make a ‘Roaring 20s' roller to take advantage of all the immune support of these conifer oils! Apply over lymph nodes, along the spine and/or on the bottom of the feet. In a 10mL roller add:

  * 20 drops Evergreen Essence

  * Optional: 10 drops each Lemon, Frankincense, Geranium

  * Fill with carrier.

Grab your bottles on Loyalty Rewards and join us for a fun challenge with this amazing blend starting in December!


* Available only on loyalty orders and to the Canadian NFR market on monthly (ER) orders.

* Loyalty Rewards points or ER points may not be used to purchase Evergreen Essence blend. 

* With no order limits, this giftable goody will go fast, so stock up now!

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LYMPH CHALLENGE ROUND II - you don't want to miss more to learn why!

Hey Friend…Last chance to join in the Lympatic Challenge Round 2.  

Maybe you missed the first round back in May or maybe you did join us (40K participated in the first round) and had GREAT results, I know I did!   Either way you are welcome to hop along with us and see for yourself how it well it works!  If you have been living with nagging health issues and are looking to restore your health and feel better, one function of the body that is vital to address is detoxification. One system of the body that is of particular importance for detoxification is the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system, which runs parallel to the circulatory system, contains a hundreds of lymphatic vessels and bean shaped nodes that are located throughout the body. This system carries a clear fluid, known as lymph throughout the body. Lymphatic fluid helps to deliver vital white blood cells throughout the body which help to fight disease. But lymph fluid is also where toxins are deposited from the body to be filtered by the lymph nodes.

The lymphatic system is a vital part of our immune system and when it becomes clogged and the lymphatic fluid is not allowed to flow freely, it compromises your immune system and allows toxins to build up.  The resulting buildup of toxins can cause symptoms and can ultimately lead to infection and disease.

How do you know if your lymphatic system is clogged? 

There are several tell tale signs that lymphatic fluid is not moving effectively and that toxins are building up in your body.

1. Bloating
2. Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
3. Brain fog
4. Digestive issues
5. Parasites
6. Depression
7. Sinus infections
8. Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
9. Enlarged lymph nodes
10. Chronic fatigue
11. Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
12. Unexplained injuries
13. Excess weight
14. Cold hands and feet
15. Constipation
16. Worsened allergies
17. Food sensitivities
18. Increased colds and flu

Unlike the circulatory system, in which the heart acts as a pump, this system has no pump.  But there are certain things that you can do to activate your lymphatic system and get it flowing and removing toxins again.

Want to learn more about the lymphatic system? Dr. Jessica explains all here:

Tiffany Shreck Smith is hosting a Lymphatic challenge in a private Facebook community. It is free to join the group, but you do need to purchased your products first to particpate in the challenge. 

QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED IN THE GROUP.  There are worksheets, guides, trackers and several short video tutorials to guide you through the challenge.  The challenge is set for 2 weeks, starting October 1st, but the group will stay open for a month. 

STEP I: Purchase the following Young Living products, and there are few options to choose from: 

Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
Citrus Fresh

Above plus…

All Above plus…
Super C
Slique Essence

If you are not a Young Living Customer with an active account I would like to share my link with you and help you get connected to the group and my team private Facebook group!
Peg's Link:  (this is a link with the GOOD option mentioned above, but you can always add additional products fromt the BETTER or BEST list above).

STEP II: Grab a Dry Brush (here are some suggestions!):


With long handle:

STEP III: Get ready for your daily commitment starting October 1st!  Join the Group by asking me to add you!


YOUR DAILY ROUTINE starting October 1st.  (remember the group will be open for 30 days, so if you don't have your products yet don't worry!) 

Additional notes/suggestions:
Use supplements to help support energy, digestion and immune system:
Ningxia Red
Super C

Slique Essence drops in water to curb cravings as needed. 

That list of 18 symptoms above  - which one would you love to see improvement in?

Don’t forget to grab your oils and supplies here:

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Whole Healthy Journey 21 Day Boot Camp

WHOLE HEALTHY JOURNEY – 21 Day Boot Camp Is here!  Your Journey TO WELLNESS begins today! 

Feeling sluggish, tired and overweight?

It is time to get your life back - Join our 21 free boot camp today!  we start September 10th! 

Get the results you desire – the right way.

You will be coached by me, Erin Chamerlik, holistic nutritionist.

You will be given menu ideas, recipes, video coaching and a private Facebook group for support.

Whole Healthy Journey is designed to:

  • Help support healthy weight management 
  • Increase energy
  • Decrease cravings
  • Increase metabolism
  • Support the body’s natural detox capabilities safely and gently 
  • Improve chronic health conditions
  • Boost moods and calm nervous tension
  • Help you sleep
  • Balance hormones
  • Help with brain function and focus

When it comes to health, are you frustrated with where you are right now?

  • Do you need more energy?
  • Has your weight been creeping up?
  • Do you need to get a restful night’s sleep?

Whole Healthy Journey is:

  • A plan that works
  • Resources
  • Recipe Book
  • Coaching by Erin Chamerlik, Holistic Nutritionist

Ready?  We start September 10th.  

  • Join our private facebook group: Whole Healthy Journey.  We will kick start with an informtional FACEBOOK LIVE on 9/6 at 4:00pm and if you are not available then, don't worry, we will record it. 
  • If you would like to boost your results from the food plan add the detox drink and key essential oils listed below.
  • We encourage using the homemade detox drink and two essential oils to help bust cravings and to reduce the feelings of stress that can sometimes sabotage your efforts to make healthy changes. 
Begin your journey NOW!   

#2: Get the secret sauce "Detox Drink" ready (use link below to grab your oils at 24% off)
#3: Register on the EvenBrite post (its FREE) this will ensure you are getting everything you need, reminders, informationa and more!

Need help getting your oils mentioned above?  I've got the "easy botton" for you too!  Click the link below to grab your oils at wholesale pricing.  

How much are the oils?

When you get the four essential oils listed above, you will get everything at 24% discount — and you keep that discount for an entire year, no strings attached — you’ll pay just $128.25 plus shipping/tax, so around $150 all in. The program, coaching, materials and resources are free when you join our facebook group, Whole Healthy Journey.

Order ASAP so your are ready when the boot camp begins on September 10th.

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What is it that makes your life and oil business grow? Is it your enthusiasm, your business savvy, your handy use of social media, Gary’s legacy, or Young Living products themselves? It can be a mixture of all of the above, depending on you. A group of Royal Crown Diamonds at Young Living’s 2019 International Grand Convention, for instance, agreed and elaborated on that here.

Dannette Goodyear, an energetic Diamond who also spoke at 2019 IGC, focuses on the products. In her presentation, she passed on several essential oil and product usage tips from Gary that you might find useful in your quest for growth.
Dannette Goodyear, speaking at Young Living’s 2019 International Grand Convention

How to Use Young Living Products, as Recommended by Gary
  • When you’re applying your oils, especially blends, put them on with intention: Gary created blends by looking at the frequencies of single oils—their benefits as well as their chemical constituents—and combining them to produce the frequency of the emotion that he was looking to evoke. This is what he shared about why he chose the oils that go into the Live Your Passion blend:
    • Orange: because its aroma evokes the happy feelings of being a child and gives a sense of relaxation
    • Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood: because its scent is great for grounding and stabilizing
    • Northern Lights Black Spruce: Its sharp, green fragrance may help release emotional blocks
    • Lime: Its aroma uplifts, helps creativity, and complements the Orange oil
    • Ylang Ylang: Its flowery fragrance encourages passion, helps increase focus, and filters out negative energy, while restoring confidence and peace
    • Frankincense: Its scent brings the spiritual realm to our consciousness so that we are aware of what is going on around us
    • Peppermint: Its stimulating scent helps enhance the effects of the other oils in the blend
Dannette said: “We all heard Gary say that he never made a product for profit, only for a purpose. Gary was committed to helping each of us find our purpose and walk it out, which is why he created so many of our great essential oil blends.”
  • Apply Acceptance essential oil blend and accept what you’re going through, what you’ve been given, and what you’ve chosen to take on. Then layer on Gratitude and Trauma Life for extra support, and then finish by applying and inhaling Release. Use the empowering scents of your oils to help move past negative events.
  • If having a hard time remembering to use your oils or take your supplements is becoming a habit, then change your habits. If you rarely eat vegetables because they’re in the lower crisper of your fridge, then move them to the middle so that every time you open it, veggies are all you see. Same goes for your NingXia Red, MindWise, Life 9, Mineral Essence, K&B, or any other Young Living products that you refrigerate: Put them where you see them and don’t forget to take them. Figure out what works for you. Dannette keeps her citrus and herb Vitality essential oils by her home water purification system in their kitchen because “it’s a great way to instill a habit,” she says. “Keep those bottles right there so that every time you go for a glass of water, you see the bottles and put some oils in.”
  • Find ways to have positive associations with the oils and supplements that you might not love at first but that your body needs. Your mind will catch up.
  • Take enzymes. Dannette remembers flying to Michigan and hearing Gary talk on enzymes for an entire day. “It was just a stream of amazing enzyme information,” she said. He’s also spoke about them here and here. This is how Dannette takes them:
  • She takes Essentialzymes-4 always when she eats out.
  • She keeps Allerzyme at her desk for a great mid-day “pop” of enzyme support.
  • She loves Detoxzyme and uses it often when she needs extra support, such as when she’s on the road and not eating optimally.
  • She loves Essentialzyme* too, the first enzyme product Gary created. She takes four or five tablets out of the bottle right before bedtime and puts them on the lid of the bottle. She drinks a large glass of water before she goes to sleep and keeps her Lavender, Grapefruit, and Cinnamint lip balms close by so that when she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, she takes her Essentialzyme* with more water, puts on lip balm, goes to the bathroom, and then back to bed. “I do that,” she said, “because (A) It works for me, and (B) I don’t want those enzymes digesting food. I want them digesting things at the next level, as Gary taught us. Also, if I’m out of the country, I always make DiGize Vitality* capsules and have those ready, so I’ll take those at bedtime too. If you don’t get up in the middle of the night to do that, drink more water before bedtime so that you do.”
  • Use RutaVaLa: Gary was brilliant in combining Ruta with Valerian and Lavender, said Dannette. That’s why it’s called RutaVaLa: Ruta, Valerian, and La “I remember being in Ecuador for my Gold Retreat,” said Dannette, “and seeing Gary growing ruta out in the fields. . . . He found that the sun during the day at the equator was too strong for the plant, which he called ‘her.’ “The next year I was there for Platinum Retreat and went to a [nearby] banana grove and saw all these beautiful, feathery little ruta plants there. He said it was the perfect amount of speckled sunlight yet shaded in the afternoon to help ‘her’ thrive there.”
  • Start low and slow. Many of us may think that “more is better.” But Gary taught that more is not necessarily better, and we can actually flood our receptors by using too much essential oil. One drop of oil can make a difference in your life. Start with one drop of oil occasionally to see how your body chemistry reacts to it. There are also other factors that may influence how your body reacts to any particular oil, including genetics, exposure to environmental toxins, diet, deficiencies, emotional state, and gut health.
  • Remember that you can’t “out-supplement” a consistently bad diet. If you are eating, drinking, and even reading unhealthy things regularly, don’t think that a handful of supplements here or there or a little bit of diffusing once in a while is going to cancel out a lifestyle of less-than-healthy choices. As you start living a cleaner lifestyle, your tastes will actually change. Try using the uplifting scents of essential oils to stay motivated when bad habits call your name. You’ll soon move past them and choose better options.
  • Know that you are your best scientist. Methodically experiment with dosages, products, and the times of day you take supplements or use products.
“Some of you may not have had the opportunity to meet or spend time with Gary,” said Dannette, “but you do have the opportunity to participate in his legacy.” A big part of that legacy is the products that he created to improve your life, so use them to not only connect with him, but also to connect with a better you.”

What are your go-to usage tips? Let us know in the comments below!
Reposted from:

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After 4 years of intense research, Young Living is proud to announce the release of INNER BEAUTY COLLAGEN!  Collagen is a type of protein - it is what gives structure to your skin, bones, tendons, organs, teeth, muscles, and blood vessels. It’s what makes our skin plump and soft, our hair and nails grow long and strong, our joints move smoothly, and strengthens our bones and muscles.
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